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TryHackMe | Biblioteca

Hello everyone,

I will explain the solution of the medium level machine as clearly as i work.

  1. Scanning
  2. Enumeration
  3. Exploitation
  4. Low Privilege Escalation
  5. Privilege Escalation

First, after starting the machine and getting the ip, we do a nmap comprehensive nmap scan.

sudo nmap -sSCV -v -A -T4 -p-

Werkzeug http service is running on port 22 (ssh) and 8000. Let’s check the web interface and set the required enumeration let’s do

We did not encounter any index page, direct login page appeared. SQLi queries instead of wasting time searching for service-appropriate exploits on Google Let’s see what we get as a response by sending it.

sqli is successful, now i will try to dump sqlmaple database.

sqlmap -u --data="username=admin&password=admin" --batch --dump

–data : Data to be received as POST request input

–batch : default selections

–dump : db dump

Username and password are dumped as clear text.

Now let’s try to connect to the ssh service with the credentials we got…

Creds fit. We see that we have 2 users in the outputs.

As the main user, we also know that you are not smokey. We somehow named hazel we need to rise to the user. I went through directories, checked SUIDs, looked in crontabs but I couldn’t get any result. When I ran Linpeas, there was no positive result. I went through the hazel user directory and there was no id_rsa in the .ssh directory for the link. The only thing that came to my mind was to brute force the hazel user and find his password.

Internet connection. I gave the -t 15 parameter according to the system requirements and vpn will not cause problems. But even though it took a long time, I couldn’t get a result. It takes a long time to brute force some services. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to try the default passwords while the bf process is going on in the side tab, because it would take a long time.

enter image description here

The password was very simple.

When I read the inside, I saw that you are using the hashlib library. I tried hijacking the python library here. However, it was not accepting the hashlib file in the same directory.

When I look back and look carefully I noticed that I could run it on SETENV environment.

A directory where I can write a file right away, that is /dev/shm. I made the transition into it, then created my malicious library and with sudo by setting python path to /dev/shm I ran the file /home/hazel/hasher.py as root.

As a result, privilege escalation was successful. The command that works in the library I wrote It allowed me to root.

cat /home/hazel/user.txt && cat /root/root.txt